Category ‘Health and Wellness’

The Hand & Stone Mobile App is Here

Make your spa experience even more enjoyable with the new Hand & Stone App! Find a location near you, or search from our list of 35+ spa locations across Canada. Book an appointment, and customize your spa experience with our full selection of massage and facial services. View upcoming...

IT Band Stretch at Home

IT Band Stretch at Home Do you experience lower back pain after sitting for extended periods of time? Your pain could be from a tight iliotibial (IT) band. The IT band begins at the ilium (the hip bone) and crosses down along the side of the thighs, over the knee...

5 Ways to Use Himalayan Salt Stones

5 Ways to Use a Himalayan Salt Stone to Feel Good Right Now Stay grounded and connect with your body through Himalayan salt stone self-care. For self-massage: Himalayan salt stones are a great tool to help create proper tension relief. They resonate at the same frequency as the earth...

At Home Self Myofascial Release Tips

At Home Self Myofascial Release Tips We all know that having regular massages can help relieve stress and promote relaxation. Did you know massages can also improve flexibility? One of the ways it does this through a technique called myofascial release – a stretching technique used to slowly release...

Aromatherapy – The Secret of Essential Oils

Aromatherapy The Secret of Essential Oils Like so many of the ancient methods of health and healing, aromatherapy has been well known to hold such a supportive and essential role in doing just that. Aromatherapy is considered holistic in nature because the precious oils are extracted from plants. These...

Stand Up and Stretch

Are you working from home?  Stand Up and Stretch. When the body is stressed, muscles become tense. When muscles are taut and tense for long periods of time, this may trigger other reactions of the body and even promote stress-related disorders, such as headaches and pain. We recommend the...

The Top 20 Benefits of Regular Exercise

We’ve all heard—countless times—that exercise is good for us. We know it’s true, even before we embark on a regular physical fitness program. Some people develop the exercise habit early and stick with it for life. But many of us are late bloomers who don’t get started until we...

Workplace Wellness Programs: The Remedy for Job-Related Stress

Canadian employees are stressed out! Stress takes a physical, mental, and social toll on employees and harms the bottom line for employers. Today, we’ll take a closer look at the costs of stress, and how workplace wellness programs, including massage therapy, can mitigate its effects. A quick look at...

Aromatherapy for Relaxation

Aromatherapy is a fast, simple and low-cost way to improve your mood at home or on the go. Let’s take a closer look at what aromatherapy is, how to use it, and which essential oils can boost your mood and reduce anxiety. What is aromatherapy? According to the dictionary,...

The Health Benefits of Gratitude

Saying thank you is the right thing to do in many situations, but did you know that expressing gratitude is also good for your health? Keep reading to learn more about the health benefits of gratitude, and how to cultivate an attitude of greatfulness in your daily life. 5...