Category ‘Skin’

Young at Heart: Anti-Aging Lifestyle and Skin Care Strategies

They say youth is wasted on the young. This folk wisdom may not ring true until the day you notice unwanted changes to your skin texture and tone. Aging skin can mean dryness, thinning, wrinkles and loss of firmness. If you’re lucky, you won’t see these changes until your...

How to Tell if Your Skin Care Products are Working

Once you start using healthy skin care products for your face or body, you may wonder if they’re working. This can be a hard question to answer so we recommend starting with the easiest thing first: figuring out what doesn’t work! 3 signs your skin care products aren’t right...

4 Fat Myths to Give Up Now

4 Fat Myths to Give Up Now (Your Skin Will Thank You) In 1961, a story in Time Magazine suggested that saturated fat caused heart disease, and by 1980, dietary guidelines in the US—and then around the world—promoted diets low in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol. Growing up in...

5 Exfoliants in Your Kitchen Cupboard

If you’re a regular reader of our blog, you’ll know the two most important things for radiant skin are exfoliation and moisturizing. Today we want to tell you about the bounty of exfoliation ingredients right in your kitchen cupboard. Making exfoliating scrubs at home is quick and easy. Best...

How to Protect your Skin During Harsh, Cold Winters

Winter weather can be delightful, but dry skin sure is frightful. Dry skin is more common in the winter because the air is less humid than during warmer months and dry air causes your skin to lose moisture more easily. Fortunately, you can reduce the occurrence of flakey skin...

The Anti-Aging Benefits of Active Peels

Have you started to see fine lines and sun damage when you look in the mirror? If yes, you may want to know more about active peels, a safe and effective anti-aging spa treatment that transforms dull skin into a radiant complexion. What is an active peel? An active...

Choosing Healthy Skin Care Products

Choosing healthy skin care products is personal because, as with food and exercise, healthy means different things to different people. No matter your definition, you’ll pick the right skin care products once you decide which health factors mean the most to you. One part of a healthy lifestyle is...

5 Natural Treatments for Teen Acne

Being a teenager can be tough, especially with acne. Most teens get acne and the American Academy of Dermatology recommends parents help their teens find acne treatment so their skin and the stress associated with it clear up as soon as possible. We wrote this article for teens but...

5 Ways to Get Your Beauty Sleep

Your mother was right: you need your beauty sleep. Sleep is the elixir of life—getting enough sleep helps you look good, feel good, stay healthy, and fend off disease. The effects of sleep deprivation on your skin Though one night of bad sleep isn’t serious, the cumulative effects of...

The Anti-Aging Benefits of Microdermabrasion

Is your skin rougher than you’d like it to be? Do your at-home exfoliation treatments leave a little something to be desired? If yes, you may want to know more about a safe and effective anti-aging spa treatment called Microdermabrasion. What is Microdermabrasion? Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive skin care...