
Young at Heart: Anti-Aging Lifestyle and Skin Care Strategies

They say youth is wasted on the young. This folk wisdom may not ring true until the day you notice unwanted changes to your skin texture and tone. Aging skin can mean dryness, thinning, wrinkles and loss of firmness. If you’re lucky, you won’t see these changes until your...

How to Tell if Your Skin Care Products are Working

Once you start using healthy skin care products for your face or body, you may wonder if they’re working. This can be a hard question to answer so we recommend starting with the easiest thing first: figuring out what doesn’t work! 3 signs your skin care products aren’t right...

4 Fat Myths to Give Up Now

4 Fat Myths to Give Up Now (Your Skin Will Thank You) In 1961, a story in Time Magazine suggested that saturated fat caused heart disease, and by 1980, dietary guidelines in the US—and then around the world—promoted diets low in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol. Growing up in...

What is a Trigger Point Massage?

Trigger points are sore, painful spots—also called knots—found in muscles. These knots are sensitive and when pressure is applied, it produces pain in a different part of your body. A trigger point massage helps work out those knots and reduce the pain associated with them. Muscle knots can happen...

5 Reasons to Add Strength Training to Your Routine

As we move into what some meanies call middle age, our beauty routines start to require more than eye serum, firming moisturizer, and regular exfoliation. What’s now necessary is finding the fountain of youth—a seemingly impossible task until you discover what strength training does for the mind, body and...

The Joys of Spring Cleaning

There’s no cleaning more satisfying than spring cleaning. It’s a ritual found across many cultures and religions and, according to the American Cleaning Institute, 72% of households participate in this annual event. Even if you don’t usually get excited about chores, you may find yourself scrubbing with gusto when...

5 Exfoliants in Your Kitchen Cupboard

If you’re a regular reader of our blog, you’ll know the two most important things for radiant skin are exfoliation and moisturizing. Today we want to tell you about the bounty of exfoliation ingredients right in your kitchen cupboard. Making exfoliating scrubs at home is quick and easy. Best...

What is an Oxygenating Facial? The Pros and Cons of Oxygenating Facials

The Pros and Cons of Oxygenating Facials The oxygenating facial is a decade-long skincare craze. Celebrities like Madonna and Katy Perry can’t get enough of the oxygenating facial. Beauty magazines say it’s an essential for photoshoots, trips down the red carpet, and to plump up skin after a dehydrating...

How to Reduce Anxiety with Massage Therapy

Anxiety is a state of uneasiness caused by worrying about possible future misfortune. But this dictionary definition doesn’t tell you how rotten it feels to be anxious. Or how expensive it is: the Conference Board of Canada estimates that anxiety costs the Canadian economy $17 billion per year. Or...

Book a Self-Care Date With Yourself

If you’ve ever thought, “I just need one minute to myself!”, you may be short on self-care. Self-care is taking care of your own physical, emotional, and mental needs with positive behaviours. In real life, it means the difference between being your best self and snapping at loved ones...