

Healthy Eating; Healthy Skin

The common saying ‘you are what you eat’ doesn’t only apply to our bodies overall health, but what we eat really impacts how our skin appears and feels. Our skin is the largest organ of the body and can really benefit from eating a nutritious and balanced diet.  ...

Massage Therapy – Safe, Ethical, Effective Care for Your Well-Being

Your experience of massage may be one of soothing nurturance, but did you know how much training and credentialing your massage therapist has received? In Ontario, Registered Massage Therapists are one of 21 regulated health professions, defined under the same Regulated Health Professions Act as physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, chiropractors,...

Hot Stone Massage Therapy

Massage is perhaps the oldest form of hands-on healing known to humans, easily pre-dating written records.  For millennia, people from virtually every culture have used a combination of touch, heat (thermotherapy) and stones as therapeutic tools.  The three main cultures which have heavily influenced how modern-day Hot Stone Massage/Stone...

How Massage Can Benefit Your Heart

Did you know regular massage can reduce the risks associated with stress, such as cardiac arrhythmias? Your heart is a huge muscle in your body. It can get sore and tight from being stressed out and always on the go. Think about how your heart feels when you are...

Clear Congestion with the Power of Hydro-Therapy!

Colds and sinus congestion have certainly packed a wallop over the last few weeks. Everyone I speak to seems to be getting over it, or knows someone that has it.  Hydro (water) therapy offers a number of methods to un-clog your head, ease your sleep and head-ache. Give these...

Massage Therapy for Mothers-To-Be

A long day of work, driving through rush-hour traffic or staying home with exuberant high-energy preschoolers can be draining. On top of that, a constantly aching back and tired feet can rapidly decrease your mood. This is a familiar situation for most mothers -to be. It’s important to take...

It’s Just Stress

People worry about troubling symptoms such as headaches, neck tension, upset stomach and trouble sleeping.  A well-meaning friend, family member or even primary health care provider may assure them, “It’s just stress”.  However, we’re often not directed as to what to do about stress and its impact on our...