Category ‘Uncategorized’

Guelph Newsletter

The Health Benefits of Gratitude

Saying thank you is the right thing to do in many situations, but did you know that expressing gratitude is also good for your health? Keep reading to learn more about the health benefits of gratitude, and how to cultivate an attitude of greatfulness in your daily life. 5...

Stretching & Exercise…. How important is it?

Ninety five percent (95%) of the time at the end of my treatment I demonstrate one or two relevant exercises and/or stretches to my clients.  Five percent (5%) of the clients actually do them. The reason why it takes so long for people to recover from injuries is because...

ACNE: the worst four letter word

Prom and graduation can be the most important events in a youth’s high school experience. However, for teens marred by acne or experiencing a less than perfect complexion, these events can seem like another reason to worry and feel stressed out! A couple of bumps on the face can truly be a teenager’s worst...

Tips for Everyday Living

1. Use a staple remover to save your fingernails when trying to add items to your key ring 2. Place a rubber band across the open top of a paint tin to wipe your brush on.  It keeps paint off the side of the can. 3. Cut open toilet...

Healthy Eating; Healthy Skin

The common saying ‘you are what you eat’ doesn’t only apply to our bodies overall health, but what we eat really impacts how our skin appears and feels. Our skin is the largest organ of the body and can really benefit from eating a nutritious and balanced diet.  ...

Clear Congestion with the Power of Hydro-Therapy!

Colds and sinus congestion have certainly packed a wallop over the last few weeks. Everyone I speak to seems to be getting over it, or knows someone that has it.  Hydro (water) therapy offers a number of methods to un-clog your head, ease your sleep and head-ache. Give these...