Category ‘Tips’

Benefits of Staying Hydrated

Ways to Stay Hydrated Water has so many health benefits. It aids the heart with pumping blood through the body, helps muscles to function better, improves energy levels, reduces swelling in feet, and can help prevent headaches. Are you drinking enough water to stay hydrated? It’s recommended to drink...

Stand Up and Stretch

Are you working from home?  Stand Up and Stretch. When the body is stressed, muscles become tense. When muscles are taut and tense for long periods of time, this may trigger other reactions of the body and even promote stress-related disorders, such as headaches and pain. We recommend the...

The Importance of a Bedtime Routine

While you may not get tucked in with your favourite teddy bear anymore, you’re never too old for a bedtime routine. Today, we’ll explore why it’s important for adults to have a bedtime routine, the importance of sleep, and ideas for designing a bedtime routine that works for you....

Self-Care Tips for Shift Workers

If you compare yourself to a zombie or vampire and you’re often unsure what day it is, you might just be a shift worker. Shift workers provide essential services around the clock but managing shift work can be challenging. Today we want to talk about the health risks associated...

4 Ways to Relieve Sinus Congestion with the Power of Water

During cold, flu, and allergy seasons, it’s common to feel clogged, congested, and tired of breathing through your mouth. Today, we want to tell you about four hydrotherapy treatments you can try at home. 4 ways to relieve sinus congestion naturally Take a hot foot bath A hot foot...

The Health Benefits of Gratitude

Saying thank you is the right thing to do in many situations, but did you know that expressing gratitude is also good for your health? Keep reading to learn more about the health benefits of gratitude, and how to cultivate an attitude of greatfulness in your daily life. 5...

Tips for Teens: 5 Ways to Reduce Breakouts

If you’re a teen with acne, you know that having a less than perfect complexion can increase stress and worry and even take the excitement out of preparing for big events like back to school!  But did you know that even though 80 percent of teens develop acne, it’s...

5 Ways to Boost the Effectiveness of Your Sunscreen

Even if you’ve used sunscreen for years, chances are you can boost its effectiveness by making a few small changes. Let’s look at what sunscreen does and doesn’t do, and how you can protect you and your family from too many rays this summer and all year round. What...

The Benefits of Meditation for Active Women

If you’ve heard about the benefits of meditation but haven’t started a regular practice, you’re not alone. Many active women with maxed-out responsibilities at home and work wonder how they’d ever find the time to fit in another activity. Today, we’ll talk about why it’s time to reconsider meditation,...

The Benefits of Threading

Move over tweezers! In recent years, a hair removal technique called threading has become popular in North American spas. Keep reading to learn more about threading so you can decide if it’s right for you. What is threading? Threading is a type of hair removal that originated in India,...