We’ve all heard—countless times—that exercise is good for us. We know it’s true, even before we embark on a regular physical fitness program. Some people develop the exercise habit early and stick with it for life. But many of us are late bloomers who don’t get started until we have a good reason that truly resonates with us. This is okay because it’s much easier to develop the habit of exercising regularly when we feel connected to a purpose. Today, we want to tell you 20 good reasons for exercising regularly.
The top 20 benefits of regular exercise
Exercise is amazing for the mind, body, and spirit!
Just look at how well it:
- Reduces the stress you feel.
- Gives you the energy and stamina to do activities you enjoy, such as playing with your kids or grandkids and participating in your favourite hobbies.
- Makes heavy things lighter. After incorporating exercise into your life, you’ll notice heavy objects and situations don’t weigh you down—physically, mentally or emotionally—as much as they did before. What a relief!
- Reduces the likelihood of injuring yourself during lightweight tasks. If you take up strength training, you’re less likely to throw out your back while emptying the dishwasher.
- Reduces mild to moderate symptoms of depression. Research shows that aerobic exercise, such as running or high intensity interval training (HIIT), can be as effective for some people as anti-depressants. If you’re depressed, please talk to your doctor for support.
- Boosts your self-esteem. Regular exercise takes discipline and self-discipline is associated with happiness. When you act on your most important goals, you feel good about yourself, even when tasks are challenging.
- Improves your sleep by helping you fall asleep faster and get better quality sleep. Exercising in the evening can disrupt sleep; if that happens to you, schedule your physical activity earlier in the day.
- Decreases your risk of heart disease. Studies show that regular exercise reduces triglycerides and helps control blood pressure, two contributors to heart disease.
- Improves physical and mental endurance.
- Makes you limber. Maintaining a full range of motion keeps your joints healthy; consider some gentle yoga to stay flexible.
- Increases your metabolic rate which helps you burn more calories while at rest.
- Enhances coordination and balance which reduces your risk of falls and injury.
- Reduces your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and helps you manage your blood sugar. Even a daily brisk walk can lower your blood sugar levels.
- Helps you lose weight and keep it off.
- Builds muscle mass which helps stave off age-related sarcopenia and increase insulin sensitivity.
- Adds sparkle and radiance to your complexion. For tips on maintaining glowing skin while getting hot and sweaty, read our article, Beautiful Skin! No Sweat!
- Improves digestion by helping you manage stress, which is a huge contributor to gastrointestinal troubles.
- Decreases your risk of osteoporosis. Weight-bearing exercise helps you maintain (and even increase) your bone density. Strong bones help you avoid the loss of independence associated with broken bones and fractures.
- Increases your mental focus. Harvard Health reports that vigorous aerobic activity increases the size of the hippocampus, the part of your brain responsible for verbal memory and learning.
- Improves your posture which makes you look and feel more confident.
There’s no doubt that exercise is essential for health and comes with many benefits. If you’re thinking about getting active and making this your best year yet, start by figuring out what’s behind your desire to exercise. Sure, we all want to look good, but most people have a more purposeful goal to uncover their big why. Start by figuring that out and you’ll find it much easier to transform yourself into a person who exercises regularly.
We’re here to help you look and feel your best. If you’d like to reflect on your big why for exercising in a relaxing spa environment, give us a call to book a deep tissue massage and a rejuvenating facial.
Feel great, look great with Hand & Stone Massage & Facial Spa.
Massage. Facials. Waxing. At Hand & Stone, our registered massage therapists will help relieve tension, soothe tired muscles and ease headaches. Interested in our facial services? We know radiant, healthy skin reflects how you look and feel. Hand & Stone’s facials are performed by certified estheticians and we are proud to offer Dermalogica®, YonKa and Diego Dalla Palma products so you can enjoy a bright, beautiful complexion between regular appointments.
We’ll help you look and feel your best, affordably! Call today to schedule your appointment! We’re open 7 days a week with extended hours and gift cards are available for all occasions. Contact us today!